xrdb file of the scheme you'd like to use: If there are other color schemes you'd like to see included, drop me a line! Extra X11 Installation All of Terminal's schemes have now been ported, with the exception of "Solid Colors" (random backgrounds, which iTerm doesn't support) and "Aerogel" (which is hideous).Ĭredits for all other themes are listed in CREDITS.md
The schemes Novel, Espresso, Grass, Homebrew, Ocean, Pro, Man Page, Red Sands, and Terminal Basic are ports of the schemes of the same name included with the Mac Terminal application.
Some applications assume the ANSI color code 8 is a gray color. Solarized Darcula (Without background image) Solarized Darcula (With background image) It would also be very helpful if you cd tools/ and run python3 update_all.py to generate all formats of your scheme Screenshots 3024 Day To include a screenshot, please generate the output using the screenshotTable.sh script in the tools directory.įor screenshot consistency, please have your font set to 13pt Monaco and no transparency on the window Have a great iTerm theme? Send it to me via a Pull Request! To export your theme settings: (Need to quit iTerm 2 to reload the configuration file.) Tools/import-scheme.sh Molokai 'SpaceGray Eighties ' # import multiple Tools/import-scheme.sh 'SpaceGray Eighties ' # by scheme name
Tools/import-scheme.sh 'schemes/SpaceGray ermcolors ' # by file path Tools/import-scheme.sh -v schemes/ * # Import specific color schemes (quotations are needed for schemes with spaces in name) Tools/import-scheme.sh schemes/ * # Import all color schemes (verbose mode) itermcolors file(s) of the schemes you'd like to use * Click on Color Presets and choose a color scheme Via iTerm preferences (go to the same configuration location as above):
There are 3 ways to install an iTerm theme: Screenshots below and in the screenshots directory.
It also includes ports to Terminal, Konsole, PuTTY, Xresources, XRDB, Remmina, Termite, XFCE, Tilda, FreeBSD VT, Terminator, Kitty, MobaXterm, LXTerminal, Microsoft's Windows Terminal, Visual Studio, Alacritty name:^George'sĪ word having the prefix, suffix, or exactly matching "George's" must occur in the profile's name to match these queries, respectively.This is a set of color schemes for iTerm (aka iTerm2). Would match a profile named "XGeorge's Linux MachineX", unlike the first example. Would match a profile named "George's Linux MachineX", unlike the first example. Would match a profile named "XGeorge's Linux Machine", unlike the previous example. Three consecutive whole words in the profile's name must equal "George's Linux Machine". Consider the following examples: name:^"George's Linux Machine"$ The operator always comes first, followed by a caret, followed by a quoted string, followed by a dollar sign. You may combine quoting, operators, and anchors. The query a$ matches words ending in "a". For example, the query ^a matches only profiles with words starting with "a". You can require that a word in your query matches the suffix of a word in the title or tags by appending a dollar sign ($) after the word. You can require that a word in your query matches a prefix of a word in the title or tags by inserting a caret (^) before the word. Normally, words in a query must match a substring of a word in the title or tags of a profile. You can require that two or more words occur in order by putting quotes in your query.
When iTerm2 presents a list of profiles, it usually includes a search box.